District Health Services » District Health Services

District Health Services

Welcome to the Cotulla ISD District Health Services Webpage!


Melanie Ayala, RN, District Nurse

Mariah Ramon, RBE Medical Assistant

Claire Garcia, RBE Medical Assistant

Nicolette Ruiz, Newman Middle School LVN

Eva Perez, Cotulla High School Medical Assistant

Susana Lopez, Encinal Elementary Medical Assistant



The school nurse administers first aid only. She does not diagnose illnesses, but takes note of symptoms and notifies the parent/guardian of her/his observations. We ask that children be kept at home when ill. This is important for the health of the child and for the health of all children at the school.


If upon nursing assessment a child is determined to be ill and/or possibly contagious to others, or is injured at school and needs further evaluation or treatment, he/she will be given first aid and the parent/guardian notified. In no case will a child be sent home until the parent/guardian or the person indicated by the parent/guardian has been contacted and arrangements made. Every effort will be made to contact the parent/guardian first. If the parent/guardian is unable to come for the child, arrangements must be made for his/her care by the parent/guardian. In an extreme emergency EMS or an ambulance designated by a parent/guardian will be called.


The nurse has the responsibility if she suspects a contagious health condition to request that the child be picked up by the parent or guardian and examined by a physician for diagnosis and treatment. In the event of a contagious illness, please notify the school upon confirmation of diagnosis.

Please keep your contact information updated in the case of an emergency.


Bacterial Meningitis Information for students and parents: https://www.dshs.texas.gov/immunize/school/meningitis-information-for-students---parents/